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Simple Computer Care
Arke Promotions
Simple Computer Care is about doing maintenance on a regular basis
computer users rarely know about how to look after their
computer and cry out for help when problems start, so this is designed
for such people
people come to me and say that their computer is slow or they get a
message 'not enough memory' that is a sure sign that they do not know
how to keep their computer in good order or health.

The first thing I will look at is how full the drive
is of big files
such as video or games files or music downloads etc etc etc: they soon
fill a drive giving it no room to operate. You need a minimum of 15%
of your drive free for what is called virtual memory to function.
There are three things a person should do to keep their computer in
good order. These are to cleanup the drive, defragment the drive
and move off large files not programs to a second drive, be
it an
internal drive or an external drive. There are two other important
things that is to have a good working current anti virus progam
and the second of these is to have a good malware protection
program. If all of these things are not only in place but are regularly
done then most computers will run well. Problems beyond that may need a
techncian to help you. But do not run to a technician over the first 5
things unless doing them does not fix the problems. As I talk about
(write) these first five things I will touch on other things that
relate to them.
So let me go back to where I started. So somebody comes to me with a
computer that is not working correctly, where do I start?
My initial start is to get the login details so that I can do the work,
then I ask them what problems they have experienced.
Things might be so bad that the computer does not come on; if it is a
Table Top computer that is easier to fix, but if a Laptop it may need
to go to those who have the tools to fix it.
Laptops because of there sealed nature do not usually get certain
simple problems where wires get disconnected or leads the same, where I
check them to see that they are connected
Switch units can fail and might need replacing. There is the big
problem that the power supply might have failed or might be in shutdown
mode, so I might have to kickstart it again by removing a certain lead
then trying to start it, if it goes, then I replace the lead that I
disconected, hopefully then it will start correctly. If not I am
looking for motherboard problems, which might need replacing.
But most times it does not need all that I just wrote about.

So where do I start if all those things are OK?
Well I first see if the computer boots, or if that is not
I try what is called Safe Mode (there are various options in it to
choose from) but simply doing it might be enough to sart
correctly next time.
Now that too little memory needs fixing by running cleanup
to get rid of uneeded files in the system. Better still is to
have a second drive as well to move video. music and picture files to.
There will be a problem if any of your programs use them as they will
need to be pointed to where to find them. I also look for dead files
or orphan files that I can get rid of, the purpose being to get about
20% of the drive free or more, the more the better.
It is not always possible to add more RAM it depends what the
limit is to the system (operating system) being used, and it still will
not fix virtual memory issues.
Then I must also see that I am keeping things as they were in running
programs etc so that the owner does not face problems running it
So after all that I defragment the drive so that files are easier and
quicker for the computer to find, this should be done every week.
You will see as I work on this project that I will put links into what
I have written. What is a link you might ask? Well all the items in the
side menu and the above menu are actually links to another page or
website like the link to my original website
You will see that I have covered the three most important things to do
to keep your computer in good working order, I have touched
other issues as well.

So now I will say get a
anti virus program such as
that above which I find by far the best
Then to do better upgrade to the full paid system
and do much better.
On top of that I use Spy
Hunter to deal with what is called malware
Malware can cause more problems than viruses.
There are simple thiongs to do to keep your computer
running well and there are far more complex ones