Arke Promotions How Not To
Your Website
Websites rarely get seen so
people spend good money in leaving it to others to see that they are:
but that is dangerous
To get the right results we need to learn the hard way to do it
often people get called scams because they thought that with enough
money spent it must give them good returns: then when that does not
happen they/we then cry scam.
Good leads cost money, but even good leads may not work if we are
trying to promote or sell the wrong thing
Even having the wrong domain name can cause havoc. So use all the
promotions here with caution and try them to see what works. A big
blast may work to make us seen, but then did it make us money?

Simple Order To Follow
Simply adding
URL (your website) to a search engine or a directory or other
advertizing media is no certainty to be seen, but not doing it is a
sure certainity the we will not. So use the free methods and get many
entries out there ' Add
Your Url
' with free submissions then much later check out paid ones
is another different source that gives yet more information on
how to get more free
entries Submit
you will note it also gives you information on how to pay for a bigger
service as before. Yet the more you are out there the better it becomes
to be seen. Make sure that you
use a unique (different) email address for this if you have used before.
Now we turn again to another different service on what is called Search
Engine Optimization commonly
called SEO
and here again you will start to understand that it is important to
write the
best things and in the right way and in time understand meta tags and
all kinds of strange things that help our website being noticed.
Blogging is a great so look for different ones that you might use and
learn to Blog.
As I said before you can actually be talking about a favorite pet or
and be able to slip in a link to your site if you are very
about it. Or you may be blogging directly on the subject of your
For your convenience I am putting in the
Computer Care
A computer in good order is essential to doing great promotions, if we
allow it to 'stuff up' then we cannot promote our site.
My wife Janet mentioned to me when talking about RAM that
I never said anything about matching RAM, so that is amazing it means
that she has been listening to me, because getting matching RAM is
important to have your computer function the best, in some cases mixed
RAM may stop the computer from working.
Then Janet said another thing when I was talking about malware and
pointed out that I use Spy Bot as well. You can find
them with a Google
Just now Janet chipped in again to remind me that I use more than one
program as each of them puts in lessor spy ware, and by using different
programs They take out these things.
Now how did this come about? Well Janet being a teacher was checking
what I had written for spelling mistakes and other things.
A new
service has been added to Websquash in the area of Advertising
so I am including it here because paying for good spots can
help you in great ways.
© Copyright JR JF Brumby Arke Promotions